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What is Martial Arts Federation for World Peace and its Goals?

Martial Arts Federation for World Peace was founded by Dr. Sun Myung Moon in March, 1997 in Washington D.C. in USA. Its 1st president was Duk Sun Myung, the 2nd president Dr. Joon Ho Seuk, and 3rd president is Pyun Rae Moon.

The Martial Arts Federation for World Peace held its Inaugural World Convention in Washington DC on March 23-27 in 1997, drawing together more than 400 leading martial artists from 83 nations to discuss how their disciplines can cooperate to provide moral leadership and contribute to the establishment of world peace.

Today its HQ locates in Korea, and there are chapters in Japan, Philippines, USA, Paraguay , Brazil, Argentina, Kenya.
World Cup Events:
Swearing-in Ceremony of New Officers (MAFWP) Japan : November 8, 2015
Martial Arts Federation for World Peace(MAFWP) Japan Swearing-in Ceremony of New Officers 2015, November 8 Shinjyuku, Tokyo...
Martial Arts Festival - Korea : August 25, 2015
On August 25, 2015, the Martials Arts Federation for World Peace hosted a Martial Arts Festival. The event drew over 600 spectators, who filled the gymnasium at the Cheongshim International Youth Center. In this Tong Il Moo Do (Martial Arts) event, 80 martial artists prepared a special dance and drumming performance...
Rev. Kwon Jin Moon was inaugurated as the chairman of Martial Arts Federation For World Peace and Martial Arts Festival in honor of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Click read more to view the chart and information...
Inauguration Ceremony of the president of World Police Martial Arts Federation: June 13, 2010
On June 13th, I attended the Inauguration Ceremony of the president of World Police Martial Arts Federation which has 100,000 membership...