TIMD Referee Workshop Level C and World Leaders Meeting Report, Iran
The TIMD referee workshop C level and world leaders meeting was held on March 12~14, 2015 at the hotel “Marlik” in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran. During the meeting, Iraq army and
Shiah Muslim military tried to retake Tikrit in Iraq from ISIS. The city of Tehran and Tikrit is not far from each other and only divided by the border between Iraq and Iran.
These two incidents are quite contrast because while the war was going on in Tikrit, the TIMD world leaders which include the participants of WTMF and Iran Martial Arts Federation gathered together under the theme of “World Peace from Middle East by Activating the Vision of WTMF” and shared the vision of Peace starting from individual to family, society, nation and world. In this situation however, we as the martial artists have the opportunity to share this vision with the government officials through one of the top Islamic leaders in the Islamic republic of Iran.
The names and nationalities of those who came for the event are as follows:
1. Satoshi Sumino from Korea
2. Takamitsu Hoshiko and Minoru Ogata from Japan
3. Bernardino Villagante and Nicky Rambuyon from Philippines
4. Raweetheewath Sristtisa-ard and Pittaya Srisuwan from Thailand
5. Leo Carumba from Nepal
6. Clarence Ingalwa, Anuro Makanga, Hilary Wahanda and Ibrahim Mchumba from Kenya
7. Nathaniel Nitro from USA
8. Andrius Jurkunas from Lithuania
9. Umberto Angelucci from Italy
10. Majid Salari and TIMD leaders of Islamic Republic of Iran.
On March 12, 2015 the World Leader of WTMF came together and discussed how to improve the rules of free sparring of WTMF. On March 13, 2015 Master Majid Salari, the continental leader of Middle East of WTMF and the president of Iran TIMD gave the power point presentation on the rules of free sparring, and opened up the questions and answers session to improve the rules. However, Prior to the opening ceremony of the workshop, we welcomed Mr. Mohsen Ahmadi, general secretary of Martial Arts Federation of Islamic Republic of Iran.
During the opening ceremony, some prominent personalities from the army general and high ranking government official was there to welcome the participants. Master Satoshi Sumino conveyed Dr. Seuk’s message to all the delegates. After the opening ceremony, TIMD world leaders meeting started and lasted until 1:30am (next day) discussing how to improve the organization and financial foundation of WTMF.
After 3-days of intensive meeting and closing program, we had the special privilege to enter the sacred shrine of Iman Khoimeini Ayatollah the Greatest and Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran on March 14. 2015. We were honored like any other high ranking government officials by the Iranian Royal Army. Our translator told us that Iman Khoimeini Ayatollah loved martial arts practitioners and that was why we were allowed to enter the sacred shrine. One of Iranian TIMD members said, “Only President and very high ranking officials are allowed to honor this kind of ceremony.” After the sightseeing, we could visit and pay respect to one of the top Islamic leaders of Islamic Republic of Iran who will help Iran TIMD to promote as a martial arts for peace.
The following are the upcoming TIMD events confirmed during the meeting.
1. TIMD Coach Workshop: June 23 ~ 28, 2015 in Chiang Mai, Thailand
2. International TIMD Tournament: August 23 ~ September 1, 2015 in Mombasa, Kenya
3. TIMD World Cup Tournament: November 20 – 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal
These two incidents are quite contrast because while the war was going on in Tikrit, the TIMD world leaders which include the participants of WTMF and Iran Martial Arts Federation gathered together under the theme of “World Peace from Middle East by Activating the Vision of WTMF” and shared the vision of Peace starting from individual to family, society, nation and world. In this situation however, we as the martial artists have the opportunity to share this vision with the government officials through one of the top Islamic leaders in the Islamic republic of Iran.
The names and nationalities of those who came for the event are as follows:
1. Satoshi Sumino from Korea
2. Takamitsu Hoshiko and Minoru Ogata from Japan
3. Bernardino Villagante and Nicky Rambuyon from Philippines
4. Raweetheewath Sristtisa-ard and Pittaya Srisuwan from Thailand
5. Leo Carumba from Nepal
6. Clarence Ingalwa, Anuro Makanga, Hilary Wahanda and Ibrahim Mchumba from Kenya
7. Nathaniel Nitro from USA
8. Andrius Jurkunas from Lithuania
9. Umberto Angelucci from Italy
10. Majid Salari and TIMD leaders of Islamic Republic of Iran.
On March 12, 2015 the World Leader of WTMF came together and discussed how to improve the rules of free sparring of WTMF. On March 13, 2015 Master Majid Salari, the continental leader of Middle East of WTMF and the president of Iran TIMD gave the power point presentation on the rules of free sparring, and opened up the questions and answers session to improve the rules. However, Prior to the opening ceremony of the workshop, we welcomed Mr. Mohsen Ahmadi, general secretary of Martial Arts Federation of Islamic Republic of Iran.
During the opening ceremony, some prominent personalities from the army general and high ranking government official was there to welcome the participants. Master Satoshi Sumino conveyed Dr. Seuk’s message to all the delegates. After the opening ceremony, TIMD world leaders meeting started and lasted until 1:30am (next day) discussing how to improve the organization and financial foundation of WTMF.
After 3-days of intensive meeting and closing program, we had the special privilege to enter the sacred shrine of Iman Khoimeini Ayatollah the Greatest and Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran on March 14. 2015. We were honored like any other high ranking government officials by the Iranian Royal Army. Our translator told us that Iman Khoimeini Ayatollah loved martial arts practitioners and that was why we were allowed to enter the sacred shrine. One of Iranian TIMD members said, “Only President and very high ranking officials are allowed to honor this kind of ceremony.” After the sightseeing, we could visit and pay respect to one of the top Islamic leaders of Islamic Republic of Iran who will help Iran TIMD to promote as a martial arts for peace.
The following are the upcoming TIMD events confirmed during the meeting.
1. TIMD Coach Workshop: June 23 ~ 28, 2015 in Chiang Mai, Thailand
2. International TIMD Tournament: August 23 ~ September 1, 2015 in Mombasa, Kenya
3. TIMD World Cup Tournament: November 20 – 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal
Reported by,
Takamitsu Hoshiko