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“The 2019 Chungju World Martial Arts Masterships has been approved as an official international event by the central government of the Republic of Korea
The 40 th Foundation Anniversary of World Tong Il Moo Do Federation was celebrated on August 28 th at the Cultural Hall of Hyojeong Cultural Center, Korea.
There was the World TIMD Leaders Conference of World Tong-Il Moo-Do Federation in the room of Cheong Shin Village on February 13, 2019
Tong IL Moo Do, as part of the association of Hyo Jeong Arts and Culture, successfully showcases a demonstration in front of 20,000 audiences inside the...
Tong-Il Moo-Do Demonstration was held on September 7 in World Peace Center in Cheong Pyeong in Korea right after the Blessing Ceremony in front of 25,000 people.....
2016 Cheongju World Martial Arts Mastership was successfully finished on September 8 with 1900 participants from 81 countries and 17 different martial arts groups....
The purpose of the 1st Il Won Do Workshop and Conference : to organize the Il Won Do Federation and practice its different techniques so it can be propagated to all countries in the world....
The highlight of WTMD Peace Cup 2016 is to commemorate the Foundation Day and Dr. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon’s Birthday...
On August 25, 2015, the Martials Arts Federation for World Peace hosted a Martial Arts Festival. The event drew over 600 spectatorsr...
After attending Ansu everyday in Cheongpyeong training center, we walked for 20 minutes to Chonna camp, and practiced TIMD in the dojang downstairs....
The national youth "HOGUKMUYE" festival was held at a Korean KYONGMIN university gymnasium. In this festival, Dr Seuk...
Junior and youth world championship of sanbo was held at Jamsil Students' Gymnasium in Soeul, Korea....
Primarily the purpose of this event is to create a national network of Tong il moo do practitioners.
Primarily the purpose of this event is to create a national network of Tong il moo do practitioners.
The edition of 6th world peace cup 2012 was held at the gymnasium of Choongshim Youth Int'l Center, Cheong Pyeong, Seoul, South Korea on March 22 to 26, 2012.
This year’s sports event is called Cain-Abel Wongu Peace Cup which was held in Korea from October 11th to 13th, 2010.
On June 13th, I attended the Inauguration Ceremony of the president of World Police Martial Arts Federation which has 100,000 membership.
World Martial Arts Peace Cup was held in Korea
The International TIMD workshop for Judges and Referee’s was held at Cheong Shin International Academy in Cheonpyeong, Korea from May 23 to 25, 2008.
Inauguration Ceremony of the president of World Police Martial Arts Federation
On June 13th, I attended the Inauguration Ceremony of the president of World Police Martial Arts Federation which has 100,000 membership. The venue was Police Education Institution in Chonan, Korea. Dr. Joon Ho Seuk became officially the new president of World Police Martial Arts Federation.