Thank you so much for your unwavering dedication and selfless efforts throughout 2024 to advance and spread Tong-Il Moo-Do worldwide. Let us embrace the coming year with renewed determination and a brighter outlook on the future. As we step into this new year, I wish to extend my warmest greetings to each of you, our global Tong-Il Moo-Do family dedicated to the principles of unity and harmony through the martial arts....

The Delhi Olympic Games 2024, held from 07th to 13th February, marked a historic milestone with the inclusion of Tong-IL Moo-Do martial art for the first time. The opening ceremony was graced by Chief Guest Mr. Kuldeep Vats, President of the Delhi Olympic Association, and Special Guests Mr. Sanjeev Sharma...

Study Martial Arts at SUN MOON UNIVERSITY, Respond to True Mother's call to raise up future young leaders as part of the restoration of one-third (1/3) of the world's population, Be near True Mother to support her. ➢ Learn Tong-Il Moo-Do to serve Tong-Il Moo-Do International in its expansion policy and Olympic Games integration strategy.....

After Angola and Sao Tome & Principé Master ZAIBO arrives in Congo-Brazzaville. As part of the preparations for OPEN MOMBASA in December 2024, the Federation of Martial Arts for Peace Sub-region Central Africa organized the first edition of the RECOGNITION CEREMONY OF MASTERS OF MARTIAL ARTS AND HEROES IN THE SHADOWS in Congo-Brazzaville...

Since the creation of the first Tong-Il Moo-Do club in Burkina-Faso in 2019, Tong-Il Moo-Do counts in 2024, 06 Clubs including 05 clubs in Ouagadougou and 01 Club in Bobo-Dioulasso. Tong-Il Moo-Do aims to establish itself gradually and sustainably in Burkina-Faso...

The Championship was held at Fire Fox Stadium, Hyderabad, India inviting the founder of Tong-Il Moo-Do, Dr. Joon Ho Seuk. 500 participants including 350 Competitors. Prior to the Championship, GM Hoshiko spoke to 1500 students in Radify International School, and conducted Tong-Il Moo-Do Workshop from December 12 to 13...

Firstly, we are grateful to our Heavenly Parents and True Parents’ of Heaven Earth&Humankind for which the event was concluded without any serious incident for thewhole duration of the event. We are also grateful to President Masaichi Hori, the Regional President of FFWPU Asia Pacific....

A rainy day of March 9th, Saturday, the Tongilmoodo Chapter of Clifton New Jersey hosted its one day workshop and promotion test at Clifton Family Church. This was headed by its President Mr. Nathaniel Nitro, together with our head instructors, Master Werlo Partosa and Master Ruben Olgado of Clifton NJ, Master Vincent Belmonte and Master Ichinori Tsumagari from NY, and also Master Bong Alvarez from Elizabeth NJ Tongilmoodo Chapter. .

The Number of the Participants: 264 at the age from 9 years old to 18 years old from 13 states. Including VIPs, Tournament Officials, Families and Friends, the total 400..

We have initiated communication between the Núñez family, representatives of the Paraguayan Federation of TIMDO and the Co-Directors of TIMD Latin America, in order to organize the PanAmerican TIMD Tournament, which will have an exclusive competition for TIMD practitioners and another competition open to all martial arts. ..

All Japan TIMD Leaders Meeting with Master Bernard Villagante to support the 11th Peace Cup in the Philippines on February 4th.

After the greeting message from Mr. Masamune Wada, the Member of Japan Congress, Yoshimichi Mori, the President of Kyokushin Kai Tezuka Group, declared the start of the tournament....

As the True Parents, we have earnestly sought to reach out to fallen humanity, trying to bring back one more nation, one more life, to Heavenly Parent during our lifetimes on earth, as well as guide them to a position in which they can receive blessings as true devoted children of Heavenly Parent...

The World Tong-il Moo-Do Federation Philippines Inc., held its 2024 TONG-IL MOO DO FESTIVAL hosted by the WTMF-Bicol Chapter held at the Albay Astrodome, Legazpi City, with the theme “Upholding Team Spirit and Solidarity Through Sports: TONG-IL MOO-DO...

How we continue building a solid foundation of tong il moo do for the future generation. by INTRUCTOR CELESTE CHON ILUNGA...

With the aim of spreading Tong-Il Moo-Do, we are working on enhancing its visibility and participating in various sports events to showcase Tong-Il Moo-Do....

I hope that this presentation will contribute to the best need and that everyone will enable to value and catch up how much investment made so that Tong il Moo Do will stand up and can contribute to True Parents providence to restore the youth in Brazil and in South & Central América...

Megumi Nabeshima: “During the tournament, I kept thinking what I could do for the tournament. Even though the person might be my rival, I practiced together with them, supported each other, and could spent time with them as family beyond national boundaries, languages, and cultures...

01 2024 Korean sports opening ceremony, DATE: January 26, 2024 VENUE: Seoul Olympic Parktel 1st floor, HOST: Sports Forum, Kspo, Korea Sports Promotion Agency,...

Pissy club is the first of Burkina-Faso Tong-il Moo-Do. It was created on September 19, 2019. For reasons related to the academic calendars of the Masters and disciples we only had a few training sessions with the Pissy club...


Pissy club is the first of Burkina-Faso Tong-il Moo-Do. It was created on September 19, 2019. For reasons related to the academic calendars of the Masters and disciples we only had a few training sessions with the Pissy club...

Happy New Year and Congratulations!!! I would like tocongratulate all of you with my deepest appreciation for all your hardwork, investments, and accomplishments to develop Tong-Il Moo-Doin all over the world....

Dear, TIMD Family, Happy New Year! We truly appreciate your hard work, sacrifices, investment, andpatience to expand TIMD all over the world through education & events such as tournament(online/offline), seminars, workshops, conferences, promotion tests all over the worldsuchasinMombasa Kenya, India, Paraguay, Philippines, Cambodia, Iran, Albania, Finland, Thailand,Zambia, DR Congo, Vanuatu, Samoa and other countries....

Phnom Penh: Cambodian Tong Il Moo Do Federation cooperated with Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport held the Tong Il Moo Do National Championship 2023 at National Olympic Stadium from 27 to 30 December 2023. There are 64 sportsmen and women registeredand over 100 people attend the whole program...

The 11th Mombasa Open Tong-Il Moo-Do(TIMD)International Martial Arts Championship was held from December 11th to 20th in the International School dojang and at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa. It was sponsored by Kenya TIMD and WTMF(World Tong-Il Moo-Do Federation) and co-sponsored by the Kenyan Government and many companies...

Thank you very much for your desperate effort to expand TIMD worldwide. Recently, I visited Se Do Won in Asia. I hope every continent and country in the world will have a Se do Won for the main, central, regional, national, continental, and world-level training center. “Se” means world, “Do” means way of life, and “Won'' means garden....

I am glad to inform you that 8th National Tong-IL Moo-Do Championship 2022. Organized by Tong-IL Moo-Do Association of Maharashtra, under the aegias of (Tong-IL Moo-Do Federation, India ) at Minatai Thakare Stadium, Maharashtra, (INDIA) was Grand Successfully Completed with the blessings of Founder of Tong-IL Moo-Do, Grand Master Dr. joon Ho Seuk.....

The 3rd European Tong-Il Moo-Do (TIMD)Workshop in Finland was held from October 16 to 22. This workshop had been prepared for 6 months centering on Rev. Josef Svacina, the National Leader of Finland with the help of the Finland second generations....

Indo-China, India 5-days TIMD Workshop, USA TIMD....


Philippines, Cambodia, Côte d'Ivoire, Perú, DR Congo, Korea....

Happy New Year and Congratulations!!! Thank you so much for the hard work and sacrifice you have offered to Tong-Il Moo-Do Providence in 2022 and the years before. We are all grateful to Heaven for the victorious historical events we did together. These remarkable achievements, victories, and experiences make us grateful, humble, and proud before Heaven and Humanity......

Philippines, Peru, Mexico, Latin America, Burkina Faso, Congo, Brazil....

세계평화를향한위대한발걸음_1부(Great Steps towards World Peace Part1)
세계평화를향한위대한발걸음_2부(Great Step towards World Peace Part2)

1. 배포용 ( 중국 소련) 신통일한국과 신통일세계 (Korean)
1. True Parents' Providence for [the end of] Communism(English)
2. 배포용 통일무도와 일원도 (Korean)
2. 배포용 통일무도와 일원도 ..........

I would like to greet everyone with a "Happy New Year." I ardently hope that your hard work and contribution to our Tong-Il Moo-Do development by participating in all local and international activities will be victorious....

Dear TIMD World Leaders, This is to officially inform everyone that the World Tong-Il Moo-Do Federation International Headquarters, and in reference to the recommendation by the Executive Committee and approval of our Founder Dr Joon Ho Seuk, the following names are appointed as members of the WTMF IHQ Ad-Hoc Committee.

Good Morning and Wish You Very Happy New Year I am glad to inform you that 7th National Tong-il Moo-Do Championship 2021 at Telangana 24th - 26 December was Grand Successfully Completed. Pride of India Sh. Ravi Kumar Dahiya (2020 Tokyo Olympic Silver Medalist, MAJOR Dhyan Chand Khel Ratana Awardee....

TIMD classes were held in Greenwich University from Nov. 17 to 19, 2021 with total 15 participants and were taught by Grand Master Takamitsu Hoshiko and Master Brian Michihiro Nakajima....

Committee Chairman: Great Grandmaster Dr. Joon Ho Seuk
• Committee of Judges:
• Head Judge: Grandmaster Dr. Hoshiko Takamitsu
• Vice Head Judge: Grandmaster Dr. Venus G Agustin

Sensei Kensaku Takahashi
on his victorious Seonghwa Ceremony....

Dec. 31. 2020

Dec. 31. 2020